My Wisconsin Woods has a New Website!
We’ve been quiet lately – but for good reason. With great excitement, we present the new My Wisconsin Woods website.
It was designed for you – the Wisconsin woodland owner. We know there are many “right ways” to care for land. A website was the perfect tool to present land ownership as the “chose your own adventure” it is.
Our goals
In 2011, a conservation partnership of public agencies and private organizations created My Wisconsin Woods with the goal of serving landowners better. We wanted to see land from the landowner’s point-of-view – as a place for personal reward and enjoyment. We wanted to acknowledge that every property is unique – each with its own challenges, opportunities, liabilities, and assets.
This partnership also believes that learning your options from a trusted source builds confidence for decision-making, and leads to actions that benefit your interests and your land.
We want to be your trusted source of information and gateway to action.
With this in mind, our new website has been designed to offer you convenience in locating credible information, which will ultimately help you build your confidence.
Consider the variety of items on your last shopping list. Did you pick a store that offered convenience, allowing you to check most, or maybe all, the items off your list? We are betting yes.
Landownership, like homeownership, consistently demands a variety of items, and begs for greater convenience in finding them.
My Wisconsin Woods is your convenience store for woodland ownership, putting information on taxes, trespassing, wildlife, invasive species, recreation, trail building, and much more at your fingertips.
On the homepage are four questions (the aisles in our store) that we know capture a lot of landowner interest. They are: the concerns of new owners, a desire for a healthy woods, tax and financial considerations, and harvesting trees.
These four questions then take you to the more specific concerns of woodland owners, including how best to control invasive species, protect water quality, create habitat for native birds and mammals, and work successfully with a logger.
If you don’t spot what you’re looking for in the menu, try our convenient search function.
We’ve worked hard to present each topic as simply, and yet factually and comprehensively, as possible.
All the information on this site was developed through partnership and does not represent any one organization’s position or opinion.
This is also true of how we present our many partners’ capacities to serve you. You can access these through four buttons on the My Wisconsin Woods homepage under learning opportunities, field expertise, financial assistance, and peer support.
Whether it’s workshops, property walk-throughs, on-the-ground financial assistance, or chances to meet your peers, our partners offer everything you need to improve the health of your land and connect with like-minded landowners.
Action requires confidence, and confidence arises in many ways: through a critical piece of information or technical advice, a landowner’s success story, financial assistance, and many others.
We can’t predict exactly where you will find the confidence you need to take action, but we do know it’s a certainty with time and attention.
So check out our aisles! We hope they help you find the right information, answer your most pressing questions, remove uncertainty, build your confidence to make decisions, and, most of all, take action.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, or have other comments or questions about the new site, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to hear from you.