How can I protect my woods from EAB?

EAB was identified in Vernon County in 2009, prompting Southwest Badger Resource Conservation & Development Council to initiate a campaign focused on education and landowner assistance. Patrick Dayton, SW Badger RC&D forester, has helped over 100 landowners in Vernon and Crawford counties manage their property proactively in the face of EAB. He offers these top two tips to landowners:
1. Keep firewood local. Moving firewood or other raw wood products from one location to another is the most common way that EAB and other forest pests (like gypsy moth, see below) spread. Follow the 25-mile rule: wood coming to your property should be from within 25 miles and if traveling, collect firewood within 25 miles of where it will be used. Also, be mindful of infected counties.
2. Don’t wait until EAB is knocking on your door to start thinking about your ash trees. If you live within or near a quarantine zone, talk with your forester about early harvesting of ash timber and check out the WDNR’s EAB management guidelines.
– Patrick Dayton, Stewardship Forester, Southwest Badger RC&D