Upcoming Workshop: Oak in the Driftless

Landowners love their oaks. Majestic, sturdy, long-lived, bountiful, valuable, oak trees are admired for many reasons.
What other single tree species in the Driftless means as much to wildlife as it does to the cabinet maker or the hiker? It is a species rooted in our natural, economic, and social fabric.
However, while admiration is certainly needed, it alone won’t secure a future for oak. For all their glory, oaks face some real challenges.
To help meet them, a group of conservation partners is hosting, “Oak in the Driftless,” a one-day workshop and field tour on Saturday, September 29th, in Baraboo, WI. Registration is closed.
Lots of Information, Bring Your Questions
The morning will be filled with sessions on many different topics, including oak ecology, invasive species, wildlife, tree planting and harvesting, prescribed fire and much more. See the workshop program for more details.
Whether you are new to owning land or have taken on many projects, there will be a session for you!
You pick the talks you want to attend, and each speaker is leaving time for your questions.
At lunchtime, you’ll get the opportunity to sit down with the experts and continue the conversation.
During the afternoon, participants will tour one of four properties to see real examples of the topics covered in the morning. Field trip options include visiting a property focused on invasives, a property focused on tree planting and two properties managing for oak using different harvesting methods. Other topics covered in the afternoon include implementing a management plan, using financial programs, prescribed fire, and wildlife habitat improvements.
To Register
Registration is closed for this event.
Not sure if you should attend?
Read what other landowners had to say about the previous Oak in the Driftless workshop
Read about the challenges oak faces – a lesson from the previous Oak in the Driftless workshop
You’re not the only one that loves oak – read the “Love Oak” Paradox
Read about other landowners managing for oak:
Rick and Susan Case: Bold Moves, Oak, and Deer – Nice Deer
Don and Carol Nelson: The Nelsons’ Oak Savanna of Dreams
We hope to see you there!