My Wisconsin Woods Facebook @ 10,000 Followers!
We’ve reached a big social media milestone! In less than two years, our My Wisconsin Woods Facebook page recently earned its 10,000th dedicated follower! Since we established the page in April, 2019, the growth in friends has been steady, but the past eight months have been super-sonic, with 7,000+ new followers. We’re excited that you’re excited, and we have a long way to go together: Wisconsin has 180,000 individual owners of woodlands of 10 acres or more, and we strive to be the thinking, info-sharing, hand-up gathering place for all of you.
As Aldo Leopold recognized, a healthy, shared wilderness depends on many, many individual landowners pulling together toward a united purpose. He never could have predicted our current online landscape of social media, but we’re pretty sure he’d approve of 10,000 owners coming together to noodle on a cohesive land ethic for our earth and all its inhabitants.
If you haven’t been to our page yet, we invite you to come and join this amazing collaborative, thinking community. Next stop: 100,000!