As a proud sponsor, we hope you enjoy this 3-part video series from Golden Sands Resource Conservation and Development Council (RC&D) featuring how landowners work together across property boundaries to achieve their goals.
Golden Sands RC&D has been working closely with the state’s Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) to empower landowners to improve habitat, manage invasive species, and sustainably manage their woodlands by bringing them together to form group cooperatives. Forming group cooperatives allows landowners who own smaller properties to have bigger impacts that extend beyond their property boundaries.
The Woods & Wildlife for Today & Tomorrow Project has brought together 90 landowners in 10 different cooperatives across Central Wisconsin to work together towards common goals. This spring, Golden Sands planned on hosting three workshops, but due to COVID-19 the workshop series was developed into a video series.
Workshop Videos
Cooperating for Wildlife Habitat
Wildlife don’t acknowledge property boundaries. They depend on diverse habitat types across large areas. If you are interested in sustaining healthy wildlife populations it is important to consider habitat beyond your property. In this video, speakers share information about working collaboratively to enhance wildlife habitat. The topics discussed appeal to wildlife watchers and hunters alike.
Cooperating for Invasive Species Control
Managing invasive plants on your property can help support wildlife and promote healthy forest regeneration. Invasive plant management can become difficult if species are re-introduced from neighboring properties. Speakers share information about involving your neighbors in invasive plant control to help maintain forest health and support wildlife.
Cooperating for Forest Management
Properly managed woodlands are healthy woodlands. Landowners in cooperatives can collaborate with neighbors to conduct shared timber sales and other forest management activities. This video contains information about large-scale private forest management, shared timber sales, and forestry cost-share programs.