Join Dr. Holly Petrillo and her goats to discover how they are being used as powerful allies in managing forests sustainably. See goats in action as they combat unwanted woody and invasive plants, such as buckthorn, honeysuckle, brambles, spotted knapweed, and more! Whether you’re a landowner, conservation enthusiast, or simply curious about innovative conservation practices, […]
Prairies and savannas are fire-dependent communities, but managing with prescribed burns can seem way too risky, complicated, and expensive. This session will cover factors to consider related to burning, the basic process of doing a "ring fire", and resources that are available. We will also discuss the history and culture of fire in Wisconsin. Please […]
Free and virtual! "It is the part of wisdom never to revisit a wilderness, for the more golden the lily, the more certain that someone has gilded it. To return not only spoils a trip, but tarnishes a memory." –Aldo Leopold Struck by Leopold’s piece “The Green Lagoons," 2023-24 Future Leaders fellow Maia Buschman became […]
Savanna Institute’s North Farm is located directly north of the Wisconsin River, and contains an almost complete watershed, making it valuable as a site for water quality research, as well as silvopasture and alley cropping approaches. With the largest acreage among the farms, the North Farm is dedicated to demonstrating large-scale commercial farming.
Women are the superhero allies of pollinators, champions of the role bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects play on our land. With the decline of pollinators due to invasive species, habitat loss and pesticide use, our role is more critical than ever. Come learn about practical ways to build your land into a sanctuary […]
Attendees learn about the heritage and legacy of Wisconsin’s timber industry, and modern day techniques and equipment through demonstrations, exhibits and hands-on activities. Programs that focus on sustainable management of our natural resources include wood harvesting, wood products, wilderness, wildlife, water qualityand recreation. Forest Fest also features logging equipment demonstrations, exhibits, horse-drawn wagon rides, children’s […]
Aldo Leopold's land ethic is now 75 years old - does it stand the test of time? Using an approach grounded in environmental ethics and the history and philosophy of science, Roberta Millstein offers a new interpretation and defense of Leopold’s land ethic in light of contemporary ecology. Despite the enormous influence of the land […]