Get Your 2020 Phenology Calendar
Where is Your Favorite Place on Your Land?
It’s the first place you take someone who comes to visit your land. It’s the place you go to be calm, to observe, to reflect, and to soak up the beauty of the woods. It might be the reason you bought your land or the reason why your land means so much to you today. Whether it’s an old gnarled tree, a lookout atop a hill, or a rare plant, it’s your favorite place.
We want to hear about and see your favorite place on your land. Share your story and we’ll send you a free 2020 Phenology Calendar!

The 2020 Phenology Calendar adorns the wall with beautiful nature photography and shares average observation dates for many natural phenomena. The calendar is rooted in the Leopold family’s passion for the study of phenology, and monthly sidebars feature explanations of how “Weather and Climate” influence the timing of season events, this year’s calendar theme. Curated by Aldo Leopold Foundation Senior Fellow Stan Temple, the sidebars help explain the seasonal events happening in your backyard and the calendar offers reminders for what you might expect to observe nearly every day of the year.