County Foresters
Renae Essenmacher
Forester, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Washburn County DNR Forestry Office
810 W. Maple Street
Spooner, WI 54801
I grew up in Michigan and learned to love trees and the outdoors through my dad and his small woodlot. I earned a forestry degree at Michigan State University. Helping landowners achieve their forest objectives is the most rewarding part of being a forester.
What I like about Washburn County: I enjoy the wildness and the large tracts of forest land that can be found in Washburn County. I appreciate the beautiful lakes and rivers and all the recreational opportunities Washburn County has to offer. And I enjoy working with everyone who lives and vacations in this area.
Counties Served
Let’s walk your woods!
Complete the form to contact your local forester to schedule a FREE property visit.